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- Woolie Creations
- I have been raising and showing Angora Rabbits for close to 20 years now. I own my own business - Custom Signs & Designs, and have been doing signs for over 20 years now. I also do web sites and other related things.
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Saturday, January 10, 2009
Well Said Jacque
This is a post Jacque Dumas sent to the NARBC list that was not let go through to the members. Jacque was a LONG time Treasurer of NARBC (national angora rabbit breeders club) who did a great job and was a very honest person that donated her time to the club. She is no longer Treasurer because of the same pettyness only way worse, than I received!
Gee, Kim,
I am really sorry to see you go as WebMistress, but, I can relate to your feelings of frustration. Maybe one of these days, NARBC
Board Members and active Members will stop the "internal" back stabbing and politics and do what is best for the Club - keeping
everyone informed of what is going on. Since the newsletter is not out, and we do not have privy to the minutes of the Board Meeting and the Membership Meeting, we are out of the loop of what has happened - or what decisions have been made that resulted in your resignation. Personally, the fact that the results from the ARBA Convention have not been posted on the website, due to the lack of you receiving the results, should have spelled out internal operations going on. I also think that the minutes should be posted on the website as soon as the Convention is over - therefore there would be no relapse of time for the membership to know what is going on. After all, the meetings were in October, the minutes could have been posted by the middle of November to the website, and we are still waiting on the newsletter. (Sorry, Amanda, I know it is not all your fault.)
There is definitely a lack of communication between the VOLUNTEERS and the ACTIVE BOARD MEMBERS/DIRECTORS.
I was told a long time ago that a "few" members run this Club, but, I failed to believe it was true. But, after having been on "their" side, and then being just a "member", I have to agree. I have resigned from the politics and I am loving every minute of it. I congratulate any member that can be a active volunteer and keep above the politics that go on - they must have a very tough skin. I know that from personal experience.
We hate to see you leave as WebMistress. It has been a long time since the website has been so user friendly and informative and up-to-date. I am glad you did not let go your District 6 Director Position. Maybe you will have a say in what does happen finally about the website.
I do hope the group moderators let the membership read this post. If not, I will post it on my blog anyway.
Jacque Dumas
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Hey Kim,
I tried to post a comment in NARBA, but didn't let me go. Sorry to hear you are leaving. I hope that NARBA revamps the whole board thing and remove everyone and start fresh. It is sad to see petty people act silly and disgruntled over stupidity. Then again, to some of the board members, NARBA is their LIFE! How sad...
Mary Jane Kovo
Hello Kim,
sorry to see you go. hopefully, NARBA will quit their bickering and make the best for everyone. It is sad to see that these adults on the board have no life, but NARBA backstabbing. I'm glad you quit ane moved on. Let them pay for the website and see what can be done. Let them, you'll see how silly they are and how stupid it is to waste money on something that is already nicely done.
Mary jane
Hello Kim,
sorry to see you go. hopefully, NARBA will quit their bickering and make the best for everyone. It is sad to see that these adults on the board have no life, but NARBA backstabbing. I'm glad you quit ane moved on. Let them pay for the website and see what can be done. Let them, you'll see how silly they are and how stupid it is to waste money on something that is already nicely done.
Mary jane
Hello Kim,
sorry to see you go. hopefully, NARBA will quit their bickering and make the best for everyone. It is sad to see that these adults on the board have no life, but NARBA backstabbing. I'm glad you quit ane moved on. Let them pay for the website and see what can be done. Let them, you'll see how silly they are and how stupid it is to waste money on something that is already nicely done.
Mary jane
Hi Mary Jane,
Thank you for your kind words. :)
They won't let anything they don't like go through. They would not post Jacque's either that's why I put it up and she put it on her blog also.
Yes it would be nice. There needs to be a lot of changes in narbc. Until people want the change it will be the same old - same old. :(