I would like to offer CUSTOM made templates for:
- Word Press
- Blogger
- Joomla 1.5
- Drupal 5/6
- Dot Nuke 4.9+
for your web sites. In most cases if you have a WP based web site and have your blog on Blogger I can do matching templates! I did it with my site at Woolie Creations
Visit - Custom Signs & Designs Today!
- Woolie Creations
- I have been raising and showing Angora Rabbits for close to 20 years now. I own my own business - Custom Signs & Designs, and have been doing signs for over 20 years now. I also do web sites and other related things.
Old Paths

This can in an email and I thought I would share it!
I wish the old paths were before us instead of behind us.
I liked the old paths, when
Moms were at home...
Dads were at work.
Brothers went into the army.
And sisters got married BEFORE having children!
Crime did not pay;
Hard work did;
And people knew the difference.
Moms could cook;
Dads would work;
Children would behave.
Husbands were loving;
Wives were supportive;
And children were polite.
Women wore the jewelry;
And Men wore the pants.
Women looked like ladies;
Men looked like gentlemen;
And children looked decent.
People loved the truth,
And hated a lie.
They came to church to get IN,
Not to get OUT!
Hymns sounded Godly;
Sermons sounded helpful;
Rejoicing sounded normal;
And crying sounded sincere.
Cursing was wicked;
Drugs were for illness;
And divorce was unthinkable.
The flag was honored;
America was beautiful;
And God was welcome!
We read the Bible in public;
Prayed in school;
And preached from house to house.
To be called an American was worth dying for;
To be called an American was worth living for;
To be called a traitor was a shame!
I still like the old paths the best!

The Old Paths' was written by a retired minister who lives In Tennessee .
Wish he was still here
I know it has been awhile since I posted anything to my blog here. Nothing has been going on much this summer besides the horrible heat! All the bunnies were uncomfortable along with me too!
I have been busy with school and doing web sites. We are done for this quarter in school and I am getting my grades back slowly. I have an A in Design Methodology so far! YEHHH! Hopefully I make the deans list again! I am half way to my dual Associates Degrees and then on to a Bachelors Degree!
I have been doing web design for 10+ years now so learning more is a big plus! So if anyone needs a great web site done, just shoot me an email!
The Blue Eyed White Satins are coming along nicely. I hope to have some ready to show this Spring at the big Dalton, Ga. show. Keep your fingers crossed. I put some new pictures up on my web site of them so if you get a chance go take a look.
Till next time
Kim Gay - WoolieCreations.net
Rabbit Message Board
Specializing in Blue Eyed White French and Satin Angoras, German Angoras
Customwebs4you.com - Hosting - $4.95
We Are In Russia Now!
Due to threats from the University Of Georgia I am rewriting my article on neutering your bunny without a vet. The University of Georgia made threats that if I didn't take my article down that they were going to report me for animal cruelty. I guess we live in Russia now and they think they have the right to MAKE THREATS now! I thought they were in the business of teaching not governing. You can find instructions on making a bomb on the internet but DON'T help people save money and take it out of the pockets of Vets!
I take great pride in my rabbits and give them tender loving care. I would NEVER do anything that would put the at risk ever! My animals usually eat before I do. If it came right down to it, I would go hungry before they ever did! I treat them like my children.
Meanwhile if you would like a copy please email me.
Back from Dalton
Well we are all back from Dalton, Ga. Show and I had a great time. I think everyone got at least 1 leg on their bunny so all the prizes were passed around. :) That's always fun when that happens so no one is left out. Sue Duncan brought an absolutely gorgeous copper satin angora doe!
We had 36 French, English, and Satin Angoras shown on Saturday and 31 shown on Sunday. That is a big turn out for us!
Above is a couple pictures of 2 French Angora doe's I showed. I will post more pictures as I get them taken. I am snapping pictures and clipping them back. All the coats are way past ready to come off. I think I lost half of the wool blowing! These 2 girls gave me 5 oz. when I clipped them off. :)
Dalton Show is At Hand
Ok above are 3 photos of a few bunnies I have available. The first are juniors from a BEW to BEW breeding. There are now 5 available. The second is a nice black doe that is a vienna carrier (BEW). The third is a litter of REW satins. They are all bucks and very nice! If you are interested just let me know. I will also have a few more for sale at the show.
There is still snow on the ground here in Georgia today after our big snow storm! LOL It is fastly melting and will be gone shortly. :)
WOW What A Change!
For those of you who do not know about Georgia we do not get snow here often. It was 70 degrees yesterday and today it is 35 right now. There is a couple of inches of snow on the ground! WOW this is a bid deal here because it has been about 5 years since our last snow.
Sorry I haven't posted here for awhile. I have been busy with school. I have several bunnies available now. Our BIG show for the year is just about here so if anyone wants to pick up bunnies they will be available. I will post pictures here later today. I am having to much fun with the snow right now! LOL
Well Said Jacque
This is a post Jacque Dumas sent to the NARBC list that was not let go through to the members. Jacque was a LONG time Treasurer of NARBC (national angora rabbit breeders club) who did a great job and was a very honest person that donated her time to the club. She is no longer Treasurer because of the same pettyness only way worse, than I received!
Gee, Kim,
I am really sorry to see you go as WebMistress, but, I can relate to your feelings of frustration. Maybe one of these days, NARBC
Board Members and active Members will stop the "internal" back stabbing and politics and do what is best for the Club - keeping
everyone informed of what is going on. Since the newsletter is not out, and we do not have privy to the minutes of the Board Meeting and the Membership Meeting, we are out of the loop of what has happened - or what decisions have been made that resulted in your resignation. Personally, the fact that the results from the ARBA Convention have not been posted on the website, due to the lack of you receiving the results, should have spelled out internal operations going on. I also think that the minutes should be posted on the website as soon as the Convention is over - therefore there would be no relapse of time for the membership to know what is going on. After all, the meetings were in October, the minutes could have been posted by the middle of November to the website, and we are still waiting on the newsletter. (Sorry, Amanda, I know it is not all your fault.)
There is definitely a lack of communication between the VOLUNTEERS and the ACTIVE BOARD MEMBERS/DIRECTORS.
I was told a long time ago that a "few" members run this Club, but, I failed to believe it was true. But, after having been on "their" side, and then being just a "member", I have to agree. I have resigned from the politics and I am loving every minute of it. I congratulate any member that can be a active volunteer and keep above the politics that go on - they must have a very tough skin. I know that from personal experience.
We hate to see you leave as WebMistress. It has been a long time since the website has been so user friendly and informative and up-to-date. I am glad you did not let go your District 6 Director Position. Maybe you will have a say in what does happen finally about the website.
I do hope the group moderators let the membership read this post. If not, I will post it on my blog anyway.
Jacque Dumas
My Resignation from NARBC
I have done the NARBC web site for a long time and did the newsletter for a year and a half, sometimes both at the same time. My whole intention was to help NARBC and it's members as much as possible. It was a learning experience to say the least! Not many of you realize the time it takes to do one of those jobs let alone both at the same time! Many thanks to Amanda Politino for taking over the newsletter! Please give her all for your support. Please realize that the newsletter, when it is way late like now, is not her fault BUT the NARBC Presidents and the Secretary's! If anyone has any questions I am sure Amanda or I would be glad to answer them.
Anyway I just found out from the Board Meeting Minutes - that the board of NARBC does not like the web site or the way I have been doing it. No one bothered to give any suggestions or comments ever to how they would like to see the site done. I have asked untold times for comments on how everyone would like to see it done but none of them bothered to email me with any. They voted to have Judy look into getting an outside company to do the web site and pay them to do so. Ok I have a suggestion: If NARBC has money to do this why not pay the members who work so hard for the club and keep it in the club?? Just my opinion though. :)
I really appreciate all your heart felt emails I have received today after my announcement. I am sorry I did not do better for you members. Still If I can help anyone please don't hesitate to email me!
Here is my official resignation:
Judy, Board, and NARBC Members,
First let me say it has been an experience serving NARBC for these MANY years. I have given countless hours to help who ever needed my assistance. I have done the web site for a long time as well as the NARBC newsletter, and rebuilt the web site from the ground up several times. I really appreciate those of you who took the time to at least say "Thank You for all your hard work!" You know who you are.
As of now I will no longer be doing the web site. It has come to my attention that many of you have complaints and are disgruntled with my work on the web site. All of a sudden you want to pay someone to do the web site? It makes sense to me to give $ to members rather than outsiders. I have yet to hear anyone make a suggestion as to what they wanted changed or added, even after pleading for suggestions. If there was a problem why not just let me know?? As for the members section – there is tons of stuff there that non members can't see. It is in the main menu and many members have looked at all the articles. I didn't realize that there was just one link showing in the member's menu until I changed the site the other day, but did anyone tell me or ask me why that was. I worked from within the site most of the time and just now found it when I logged in.
So with all that said, I bid you all a farewell. I will continue to be District 6 director.
Best Regards,
Kim Gay