Custom Templates

I would like to offer CUSTOM made templates for:

  • Word Press
  • Blogger
  • Joomla 1.5
  • Drupal 5/6
  • Dot Nuke 4.9+
  • HTML + CSS

for your web sites. In most cases if you have a WP based web site and have your blog on Blogger I can do matching templates! I did it with my site at Woolie Creations

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Woolie Creations
I have been raising and showing Angora Rabbits for close to 20 years now. I own my own business - Custom Signs & Designs, and have been doing signs for over 20 years now. I also do web sites and other related things.
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Saturday, January 26, 2008

postheadericon Babies, Babies, Babies !!! Oh My !!

Blue Eyed White babies finally! Last night CDA's Zinger gave birth to 5 beautiful babies. She is an excellent mother, putting them in a nicely constructed nest. She has 1 Blue Eyed White buck, 2 blue Vienna marks, and 2 black Vienna marks. All the babies are fat and healthy. This picture was taken today and they were born last night.

The Vienna marked (blaze, snip of white on face) means they are carrying the BEW gene. They are able to produce Blue Eyed Whites when bred to other BEW carriers.

Now I am awaiting CDA's Fallon to have her litter. She is due in a week. Most of her litter should be Blue Eyed Whites. They have the same father as Zinger's litter. I am so excited! I will keep you posted on her progress.

I have at least 1 Satin Angora bred to one of my BEW bucks and she is about 2 weeks along right now. Hopefully all will go well with her. She is also a first time mom.