Custom Templates

I would like to offer CUSTOM made templates for:

  • Word Press
  • Blogger
  • Joomla 1.5
  • Drupal 5/6
  • Dot Nuke 4.9+
  • HTML + CSS

for your web sites. In most cases if you have a WP based web site and have your blog on Blogger I can do matching templates! I did it with my site at Woolie Creations

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About Me
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Woolie Creations
I have been raising and showing Angora Rabbits for close to 20 years now. I own my own business - Custom Signs & Designs, and have been doing signs for over 20 years now. I also do web sites and other related things.
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Friday, July 25, 2008

postheadericon Just A Quickie

Hi again from HOT Georgia. I am really excited about today because My Buddy Sally Campbell is finally coming to see me all the way from VA. :) She has collected more Giants for me and is bringing them also! YIPPEEEEE.........I will post pictures soon of them.

I got a couple of pictures of the red Satin Angora litter that is ready to go...... There is 3 BEAUTIFUL Red Bucks.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

postheadericon Still Alive Here

Well I am still alive here in Georgia but very HOT!!!! It is so humid and hot that my garden has just about quit on me. The rain is almost non existent again this year. :(
I have a few new babies that are hanging in there for now. There is an absolutely stunning litter of red satins just about ready to go. I will try to get pictures up for you to see. I am still without internet at the house so I have to remember to bring things with me to the coffee shop!!
I also have a Blue Eyed White French Doe available and also a couple of nice bucks so if you are looking for some nice BEW's please email me.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

postheadericon Will Be A Happy Day

I will be so glad when I get an internet connection at my house again! I just can't get anything done that I need to!

All the bunnies are doing well. I still have several for sale. There is a Copper Satin Angora buck and doe and a Chestnut Satin doe that are all litter mates that need new homes. Their mom is a BEAUTIFUL Copper and dad is a Chocolate Agouti. I also have a pretty Chocolate Chin French Buck, a French Chestnut Agouti doe, several blacks, whites and a Blue or two! These are all from different litters. I have a couple stunning Blue Eyed White French Angoras ready along with several Vienna Marks that will make nice pairs for someone to start with. :)

Convention plans are coming along nicely. I am starting to set aside several Satin Angoras and a couple of extremely nice French. I hope to have some NICE Blue Eyed White French to compete with at Convention. I know not everyone wants to work with the BEW's but I think they are so stunning that they are worth the extra effort to develop. :)
Well back to work for me.......Till later