Custom Templates

I would like to offer CUSTOM made templates for:

  • Word Press
  • Blogger
  • Joomla 1.5
  • Drupal 5/6
  • Dot Nuke 4.9+
  • HTML + CSS

for your web sites. In most cases if you have a WP based web site and have your blog on Blogger I can do matching templates! I did it with my site at Woolie Creations

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Woolie Creations
I have been raising and showing Angora Rabbits for close to 20 years now. I own my own business - Custom Signs & Designs, and have been doing signs for over 20 years now. I also do web sites and other related things.
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Monday, June 30, 2008

postheadericon Finally Rain

My garden was needing rain very badly. The corn was in pretty bad shape. It finally rained Saturday and Sunday!! Yippeeee. It has not rained in weeks and I am afraid to run the water for fear of the well going dry. We are still way in the minus side of the rain fall needed for the year and our ground water is way down!
The blueberries are slowly getting ripe and I am trying to stay ahead of the apples getting rise, but slowly loosing the battle I think!

I had a beautiful litter of Satin Angoras born over the weekend. They are another of the crosses I am doing with the BEW French. For the life of me I can not get use to babies being born from these crossed litters with no Vienna marks on them!!  This litter is lilacs, blues and probably lynx's and so on and not one has that trade mark cute white blaze!!  They will be Blue Eyed White carriers though and will give me another bloodline to cross back with. My first of the BEW Satin crosses are just about ready to start breeding. They should start giving my BEW Satin's this next go around. Keep your fingers crosses! :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

postheadericon Temporary Glitch

I had a little disagreement with my ISP yesterday WildBlue and fired them. I am without internet at my house until August so I may be a little slow posting here and answering emails. :) It is really a funny feeling being without something you have come to depend on! I will survive though, and maybe I will get a lot more done around the house!
I had a new litter of Satin Hybrids born yesterday. There are all kinds of different colors in there! It is really strange having Blue Eyed White crosses and they not be Vienna Marked! They are all solid colors.
Above is a picture of 2 Golden Steel French Angoras. The beautiful solid buck is spoken for but the Vienna Marked Doe is available. She is the one with the white nose. :) She will carry the Vienna (Blue Eyed White) gene. Just look at that precious face!! You just want to squeeze her!!! LOL The mom is a stunning golden steel doe and dad is Sinclair my BEW french buck. (see below) Sinclair has been clipped in this picture so please overlook that. He is a beautiful boy when he has his show coat!

Friday, June 20, 2008

postheadericon Abundant Harvest

When we got out place here in North Georgia 14 or so years ago, I wanted to be able to go out in the yard and graze during the summer. There were almost no trees in the back yard and seeing as I really don't like to mow grass all the time it was perfect for me to plant everything! I planted 15 or so apple trees, 8 plumb trees, grape vines, cherry bushes, pear trees, mulberry trees, raspberry bushes, a dozen or so blueberry bushes, and so on. Now that we had such a nice spring we have tons of things getting ripe! The cherry bushes were the first to produce and now the mulberry trees are just loaded! I have 1 white mulberry and several black ones. They are so fat and big this year! The plumbs are slowly getting eaten as they get ripe and I am waiting on the blueberries! I have a big yellow delicious apple that the poor thing just looks pitiful it is so loaded down! I put up 14 quarts of applesauce over the weekend and didn't make a dent in them! That's a LOT of work!

The bunnies have been bountiful this spring also, The Blue Eyed Whites are just beautiful! I will have several available for new homes now. Above is a picture of a couple of Fallon's babies. I also have a couple of french bew/satin hybrids available that are Vienna marked. They would do nicely in a BEW satin breeding program or as nice woolers.

I am slowly picking out bunnies that will be put into my Convention choices for this Fall. I have some exquisite REW Satins coming along. So far I have 2 doe's and 1 buck that are really outstanding! I have a Red Satin Angora baby buck that has NO smut on him at all and has a body that won't quite!!! He is only about 5 weeks old right now so should be a nice junior for Convention. >:)  I have several nice Satins available now if you are looking for some nice ones. If you are interested please email me at .

Monday, June 16, 2008

postheadericon Busy Weekend

We went to the Atlanta Farmers Marked this weekend and got a few things to put up for the winter. I put up tomato's, bell peppers and sweet corn. Geesh what a work out! It has been so dry here lately that the garden in not growing very fast. I don't dare water much because the well may go dry.

Primas babies are growing very well! They are looking very promising right now and should make great additions to the BEW's.

I lost Fallon my BEW doe from DiAnn Boehm when her babies were just 3 weeks old. :( I managed to keep them going by rotating different mothers that had litters and they have all pulled through with flying colors! So far all are fat and sassy! I believe there are 7 so I will have a couple more Blue Eyed White babies available for news homes. They were born 5-9-08 so they will be available in a couple of weeks. Even though they are weened now I want to keep an eye on them for awhile more just to be safe. So far no dropped ears even with this horrible heat!! Speaking of is time for me to post my mister article again come to think of it!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

postheadericon It's Been A Couple Days

It has been a couple of days since I posted here. I have been trying to get rid of ants out of my rabbit barn. I HATE ANTS!!! They are a real pain! I have lost litters of babies to them before so I am always looking for ways to kill them. I cut down all the bamboo around the barn because they were using it to get by all the poison I put on the ground. Grrrrrrrrrr

They are still getting in so I looked upward. I cut down all the branches that touched the roof and low and behold they have a nice comfy nest on the roof!! There is a very thick layer, about 6 inches, of pine straw the whole top of the barn. I have spent a good part of the day scraping it off so they have nowhere to stay now!!!!!  YIPPEE !!

The babies above are just about ready to fine new homes. They are French is a Chocolate Pearl (OM's Suzuki) and dad is a Black (Gay's Black Magic). There is a sable in there and the rest are blacks. Email me if you want more info. They have Gay's (me), Elm Grove, Bev's Buns, Outback Menagerie, Somerhills,  and Vahalla lines behind them. :)