Custom Templates

I would like to offer CUSTOM made templates for:

  • Word Press
  • Blogger
  • Joomla 1.5
  • Drupal 5/6
  • Dot Nuke 4.9+
  • HTML + CSS

for your web sites. In most cases if you have a WP based web site and have your blog on Blogger I can do matching templates! I did it with my site at Woolie Creations

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Woolie Creations
I have been raising and showing Angora Rabbits for close to 20 years now. I own my own business - Custom Signs & Designs, and have been doing signs for over 20 years now. I also do web sites and other related things.
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Monday, May 26, 2008

postheadericon Visit My Shopping Cart

I have been working on my Shopping Cart today. I have put up lots of Angora wool for sale so if you are looking for any very nice spinning wool go take a look!
There is also some extremely nice Kid Mohair yarn that is available. I will have some Angora Rabbit yarn soon available.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

postheadericon Life Is Good Today

I have been cleaning out the barn today and fixing up pens. After many years they need a little work on them :) I have been putting rabbit poop on the garden and it is coming along nicely! There are baby squash the size of my thumb on some of the plants! Yippee. I hope to do a lot of canning this season, and will give making pickles a try also. If anyone has a good recipe let me know. I may even try pickling green tomato's this year. There are several of the tiny tomato plants coming on. Hopefully we will have plenty of vegie's and meat to last awhile.

Above is the first picture of Prima's babies. She was bred to Sinclair my big Blue Eyed White buck so they should be nice sized. I will keep the Blue girl and place the others. They will be great woolers as Prima gave me 8.3 oz. of wool this clipping! That is a lot of wool for a French Angora!

I went out yesterday to feed the bunnies and found a new pet hanging out! I looked down and there was a strange stick laying by the door. Normally I would not think much of it but it is getting that time of year again..... It was a pretty, 4' long King Snake. He was half under the door of the old chicken pen. I had a pan laying beside where he was, grabbed that and pinned his head down. To my surprise he didn't struggle or try to get away. I reached down and gently picked him up behind his head. I went walking to the house and called for my daughter. She came out and said "Oh BOY"!  She has small pens to keep lizards and critters and got one of those. We took him up on the mountain a few miles away and turned him loose in the woods. I don't mind King Snakes around just not in my rabbit barn! He was hunting mice I am sure. :)
Thursday, May 15, 2008

postheadericon More Pretty Satin Angoras

This is a pretty up coming litter. Mom is a Himi and dad is a Red. There is tort, a red, a copper, a blue and a black in the picture. There are a couple more in the litter. These guys are about 3 weeks old now. I have not checked the plumbing so I don't know how many boys & girls there are yet. :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

postheadericon Coming Along

Just weaned this is a pretty Vienna Marked French Doe ready for a new home. Her mom is CDA's Zinger and dad is EH's Sinclair. She shows a lot of promise in wool and size! Poppa is over 9 pounds so she should be a big girl. If you are interested in her please email me at

The garden is up and doing very well. The corn popped through the ground a couple of days ago and made it through the storm nicely! If you are planting a garden for you don't forget to plant a little for the bunnies also. :)  They love cucumbers in the heat of the sumer. Cucumbers are very cooling to them and when it gets hot anything cooling is good!!!

All my litters are doing well. I have some VERY pretty Satin Angoras and also some very stunning French progressing. Prima's litter is about 3 weeks old now and there is 1 chestnut, 2 blacks, and a blue. I will be posting their pictures tomorrow. :)
More later....

Thursday, May 08, 2008

postheadericon A Great Day

I finally got my garden in all the way. I planted the last of the tomato plants and squash. I gave my tiller quite a work out the past few days! The beans and peas are popping up along with lots of corn! Looks like I will be doing a lot of canning this year!

I got my horses feet trimmed too. Geesh I am getting way to old to do that! He is such a sweetie and just stands there for me to trim him up. My back is not in any shape to work that hard!

I got a good start on " The Comprehensive Angora Color Guide " today also. I have tons of pictures to add to it. I am putting pictures and descriptions Of Angoras from the nest box to adult. There will also be a section on sexing your babies and so on. I will be offering it in .pdf format as a download on my website for $9.95. I am also excepting sponsor advertising to be added in the sponsor section. If you are interested in advertising email me at

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

postheadericon Broken Satin Angoras Almost Ready

These Broken Red Satin Angoras will be ready for new homes in 2-3 weeks. They were born on 4-3-08. Mom is a very pretty red and dad is a beautiful Broken Red I got from Sue Duncan in Tn. His name is RC's Double Take.

RC's Double Take is some of the last of Cheryl Buck's line from years ago. He will carry on Cheryl's line for many years. As you can see in these pictures he produces fantastic Reds! The babies also have great personalities and their wool should be top notch! If you would like to reserve one or you would like more pictures you can email me  

I will be going to the ARBC Convention this year so babies can be delivered there for pick up.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

postheadericon Very Unusual

I was looking over one of my Satin / BEW French litters and noticed one of the blue babies has 1 white ear and 1 blue ear! Too cute!