I would like to offer CUSTOM made templates for:
- Word Press
- Blogger
- Joomla 1.5
- Drupal 5/6
- Dot Nuke 4.9+
for your web sites. In most cases if you have a WP based web site and have your blog on Blogger I can do matching templates! I did it with my site at Woolie Creations
Visit - Custom Signs & Designs Today!
- Woolie Creations
- I have been raising and showing Angora Rabbits for close to 20 years now. I own my own business - Custom Signs & Designs, and have been doing signs for over 20 years now. I also do web sites and other related things.
Update On The Blue Eyed French Litter

We are really blooming now! They all have strong personalities and LOVE to be petted. You would not believe how hard it is to get of picture of these guys!! It is like trying to stop a jumping bean.
There are 2 doe's still available for new homes. I will be keeping one of the blues and one will be available along with the black one. They will have one Beveron ancestor still on the pedigree. The Beveron Rabbit breed is a large white rabbit that carries the Blue Eyed White gene. They are a very old breed of rabbit. From what I see in these Angoras that have come from the Beverons they have picked up a very good density to their coats and grow in VERY quickly after being clipped. This is something in all Angoras that can be improved upon.
On The Way To Blue Eyed Satins

To Cute! This is the first Satin Angora and Blue Eyed French litter. Mom is a pretty Chocolate Tort and dad is a hefty BEW French Angora buck. These guys are about a week and a half old now and trying to come out of the nest box. I am really amazed at how some of them shine!
These will be the first ones on the way to Blue Eyed White Satins. As I understand the genetics of the Vienna Gene even though none of these babies appear to show any spots they will he carrying the Vienna gene.
When they get a little older I will be able to see their eyes better. There are a couple of chestnuts, a couple of blacks and several blues.
AHHHHHHH! We are growing!
She is $45.00 and is ready for a new home.
If you are interested in any of these bunnies please email me at wooliecreations@gmail.com
Growing Like Weeds!
Getting ready for the BIG Dalton, Ga. Triple Show and Double Angora Specialty!!! We are planing on have fun so come join us!