Custom Templates

I would like to offer CUSTOM made templates for:

  • Word Press
  • Blogger
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  • HTML + CSS

for your web sites. In most cases if you have a WP based web site and have your blog on Blogger I can do matching templates! I did it with my site at Woolie Creations

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About Me
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Woolie Creations
I have been raising and showing Angora Rabbits for close to 20 years now. I own my own business - Custom Signs & Designs, and have been doing signs for over 20 years now. I also do web sites and other related things.
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

postheadericon Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Happy New Year

Sunday, December 21, 2008

postheadericon Updating Our Clubs Website

I have just re-done Mid-South Angoras website with an all new template. I really like this one. Run by and take a look at it and let me know what you think. If you are not a member yet we would love to have you. If you would like to exchange links we would be glad to do that also. :)

If you do not have time to keep your web site up of do not know how to make one I am taking new clients. I am putting together some templates for you to choose from. Please email me for a quote on your needs. I am very flexible with very reasonable rates. I can do you a great site for $50.00 and even host it on my server for $4.50 a month. I can update it and maintain your site for as little as $10.00 a month and up. So if you are thinking of a new site or need help with an existing one I would be glad to help.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

postheadericon Sorry I Have Been Gone

I have been finishing up finals the last week or so. I am happy to say I have completed 3 classes and made 3 - A's. Yippee. They were all great classes with great teachers. They were not easy classes at all. :)

Update on a couple litters - The 2 guys above are Satin / French hybrids. Notice the very unusually marked ear on the one bunny. This is the second litter from the same mom that has produced this trait. There are 2 doe's and 2 bucks in this litter.

I have a second generation hybrid litter that is just about 2 weeks old. There are 2 Blue Eyed Whites, 2 Ruby Eyed Whites and 3 agouti's of some sort. They all have a good bit of shine! I am very happy with mom as she is taking great care of them, especially for a first time mom!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

postheadericon Cooling Off

Well it finally got cool enough here to fire up the wood stove! I dug out my cast iron tea kettle and cleaned it up. I love to have water ready for tea all winter when I want tea! I got industrious and decided to make breakfast the next morning on the wood stove. As you can see I put my frying pan on to heat up and got another pan out for the grits! I made quite a tasty meal with no electricity! The grits and the fresh eggs were ready just about the same time. :)

I know it has been awhile since I posted. There has been a lot going on. I have a litter of hybrid BEW satins that are soooooo cute! They are about 3 weeks old now jumping in and out of the nest. There are 3 chestnuts and 1 opal.

I am expecting a nice BEW french litter soon also. I have 2 BEW's still available for new homes a buck and doe. This is the buck on the left. He is a beauty! His mom took 2nd white Jr. doe at convention last year! I love big buckie heads and he has a wonderful head!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

postheadericon Back To Life Again

I guess I better get back to posting again. Here is Emerson, a sweet little buck that is ready for a new home. He is about 4 1/2 months old right now. He will make you a great pet and wooler. Emerson is not for breeding or show. His adoption fee is $45.00. I also have a stunning Blue Eyed White Buck and Doe ready to go for show, pets or woolers. They are $125.00 each.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

postheadericon Dixie

I just want to thank everyone for all their support. Especially Becca and Amanda who went way beyond the call of duty as a friend!! Thank You All !!!

Dixie was hit and killed on I-75 last night about 5:00pm. I don't know exactly what happened but she ran across the highway and was killed. We looked all day Sunday for her and never could find her. We weren't 100% sure is was her until last night. Turns out there was 2 other white dogs roaming around down there also. We were within about 1 mile of where she actually was. Becca was going to try to get her last night now that we found about where she was staying. 

I guess it is a hard lesson to learn......once animals come into your life you have to always take care of them no matter what. I thought I was doing what was best for her but I never thought in a million years it would go so wrong.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

postheadericon No Luck Yet

Well there was another report of a sighting of Dixie on Saturday at exit 149 in Byron, Ga. on the edge of I-75. By the time we got the call she was gone. It was 2 hours between when the lady saw her and she called Becca and told her. Becca, Amanda and I spent all day today on Sunday from 1:00 pm to 5:30 or so looking and calling over a 3 mile area at exit 149. There were signs and a man said he saw her last night in front of his house! We gave him all the telephone numbers so if he see's her again he will call. There was water around and a sweet lady left some dog biscuits out for Dixie in case she comes back. She has been missing now for over a week.

I am so grateful to Amanda and Becca for spending their Sunday afternoon looking for my dog! They gave up their time to walk around and yell for hours in the woods for my dog! How sweet and kind is that! Thank You so much! I can only hope someone will see Dixie and get a hold of her and call us! I miss her so much! If I ever get her back she will never leave here again!!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

postheadericon Update on Dixie

I spent most of the morning on Sunday on the phone to all the State Patrol Offices from Forsyth, Georgia down to the Florida line. I was very surprised that all the Officers were wonderful and genuinely concerned. They took my name and number and told me that they would be on the look out for Dixie. Thank goodness they all said there were no sightings of Dixie dead along interstate 75 ! There were also no reports of anyone seeing her come out of a truck.

I have been really amazed at how big of a network the dog people have to find lost dogs! Thanks to my dear friends Becca Snider and Amanda Politino most of I-75 from Forsyth down is alerted to be on the look out for Dixie. We had a sighting of a big white dog on the interstate at Adell yesterday but when Amanda went to get her she was gone. Keep up all your prayers and I will keep you posted on any progress. Thanks for all your support! On the other hand it would be nice if the woman who was to get her could tell us where Dixie was last seen! How could someone be so irresponsible as to not even know when she was last seen or even bother to lift a finger to help find Dixie! We have made sure all the people we could think of were alerted.
More pictures can be seen at this link -
Description of Dixie

Breed - Purebred Great Pyrenees Female 90-100 pounds
Color - White with cream spot on hip and one ear badger color
Name - Dixie
Temperament - Very friendly, sweet and loving
UTD on all shots, etc. - 2 dew claws on each back foot.
Missing a tiny front tooth I believe on top
Just turned 5 years old. She is in excellent condition.
Tags and collar - No Tags but is wearing a common choker collar.
Time lost - Sat., September 13, 2008 between approx 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm ET. Somewhere along I-75 between Forsyth, Georgia and just into Florida.

She was being transported in a white pickup with a camper shell on the back. She escaped thru the small passenger side window of the shell.

Dixie is a working animal guardian dog and not a yard dog. She is use to being with goats and does not socialize with other dogs usually.

If you find her or know where she is please call:
Kim Gay - 770-584-6356 - email or
Becca Snider - 478-825-0842 - email or
Amanda Politino - 478-971-1888 - email
Any of these 3 people will be available to pick up the dog.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

postheadericon Just Devastated and Sick!

Devastated and sick just doesn't begin to describe the loss I feel. As many of my friends know I had Colored Angora Goats for several years. I also got a beautiful Great Pyrenees dog to guard my goats and keep them safe. Her name is Dixie and she has been with me from when she was 8 weeks old until now. After I sold my goats, Dixie was without any goats to watch over and has been unhappy ever since. I tried putting her in with my horse but he is so big and very old and was afraid of him stepping on her accidentally. Rather that see her so depressed I decided as much as I loved her, to try to find a home with goats for her to watch over. I thought I had a perfect home in Florida for..... it sounded perfect anyway. The old saying hind sight is 20-20 applies here.

The lady came to pick her up and we put Dixie in the back of a pickup with a camper shell on it. The windows were open and no one ever thought she would attempt to go through one. They left with her and I got a call about 5:00 and was told that Dixie was gone! They said that they had stopped just into Florida to give her water and she was gone! Supposedly they didn't stop before then and couldn't even tell me when the last time they saw her was! The back of the truck was all glass so they could see her very easily. I was told she went out the passenger side of the camper shell window. I would have thought someone would have seen the dog come out of the window, going down I-75 and called the police so I told them to call the state patrol. Well come to find out the lady didn't want to take responsibility for anything that might happen so she didn't call the police!

I can only imagine what going down the interstate a 60-70 miles an hour did to her when she jumped out but I am hoping for the best. :( I just hope and pray that God saw fit to take her quickly and not let her suffer or that someone got her and took her to a Vet or shelter. If anyone can help in any way please email me at I have a  couple of very sweet friends that run a dog rescue chain that have put out the word as best they can. Thank You all for your help! She would be somewhere between Forsyth, Georgia on Interstate 75, and just over into Florida.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

postheadericon Interesting New Pet

I have a new pet that comes out every night. He works hard to get his dinner! It is amazing what we over look sometimes. Such a simple creature and such a beautiful creation!

I have a nice REW French Angora buck available. He is the son of my BIS winner Prima. He produces very nice babies and has a great personality! If you need a nice buck he's your guy! Gay's Epic

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

postheadericon I Can See The Sun!

Well after several days of much needed rain I see the sun again! Now I will be mowing grass for weeks!! LOL

Anyone need any Pond Comets? (Goldfish) My goldfish pond is full to the top with water and fish!! It seems the Koi, Comets, and Mosquito eaters have been busy socializing! There are fish of all sizes all of a sudden.

I have a new French Angora doe. She is very sweet and should fit in well with all the others. I clipped her a few days ago but took a couple pictures before I took all that nice wool off her! She should be nice and dark this winter when it finally cools down! Himi (her color) is really strange as it is temperature sensitive. It will fade out in the summer due to the heat and darken in the winter with the cold. If a Himi has nice color it will show a good amount of color on the ears, nose, feet and tail in the heat. Some Himi's fade all the way out to all white.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

postheadericon I have been busy

Well I am thankful for this tropical storm! It has been a LOT cooler here and that is a good thing. :) I have been busy going through the rabbits and trying to pick whom to get rid of. It has been very hard as they all are very nice. I have a few more Blue Eyed Whites coming in so I need to make room.

I have done some work on my web site as well. I installed a brand new, very nice message board so if you get a chance stop buy and post something. The link is There is a section for general discussion, angora breed section, other long haired critters section, and a for sale section. If you have any suggestions please let me know. I would be glad to hear from you. :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

postheadericon List Of Bunnies For Sale

Bunnies Available as of 8-15-08

French Angoras -

Rew Doe born 3-22-08 Sable x REW - $95.00
REW Doe born 3-22-08 (no tail) Sable x REW - $45.00
2 Chestnut VM Doe's + 1 Chestnut VM Buck born 5-17-08 Golden Steel x BEW - $45.00 each
Sable Doe + 1 Black Buck born 4-19-08 Chocolate Pearl x black $45.00

REW Buck, Gay's Epic born 4-20-07 mom (Prima) has 3 Best In Shows + 8 BOB's - $100.00

2 BEW Bucks + 1 BEW Doe Born 5-9-08 BEW x BEW - $125.00 each


2 Red Bucks born 5-31-08 Red x Red - $45.00 + $35.00 (dropped ear)
Red Buck (1 yr) - $45.00
2 Red Bucks born 5-9-08 Copper x Chocolate Agouti - $45.00

These are all really nice bunnies. All have great bloodlines and personalities. I just need space right now. I will have them available for 2 weeks. If you are interested in any please email me at

Thursday, August 14, 2008

postheadericon I Am Back!

Well it is about time! I have internet again...YIPPEEEEE! I will be posting stuff I have for sale shortly so if you need any bunnies just check back.

Monday, August 11, 2008

postheadericon Almost There

Well I am suppose to have internet at my house this week… YIPPEEE!!!!!! I have been busy drying figs and pears that are abundant this year! It is a lot of work but well worth it. J

I will be posting bunnies I have for sale shortly so please check back in a day or two. I will also have a few adults to go to new homes. I have some really nice ones and would love to keep them all but just don’t have the room!


More later……



Friday, July 25, 2008

postheadericon Just A Quickie

Hi again from HOT Georgia. I am really excited about today because My Buddy Sally Campbell is finally coming to see me all the way from VA. :) She has collected more Giants for me and is bringing them also! YIPPEEEEE.........I will post pictures soon of them.

I got a couple of pictures of the red Satin Angora litter that is ready to go...... There is 3 BEAUTIFUL Red Bucks.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

postheadericon Still Alive Here

Well I am still alive here in Georgia but very HOT!!!! It is so humid and hot that my garden has just about quit on me. The rain is almost non existent again this year. :(
I have a few new babies that are hanging in there for now. There is an absolutely stunning litter of red satins just about ready to go. I will try to get pictures up for you to see. I am still without internet at the house so I have to remember to bring things with me to the coffee shop!!
I also have a Blue Eyed White French Doe available and also a couple of nice bucks so if you are looking for some nice BEW's please email me.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

postheadericon Will Be A Happy Day

I will be so glad when I get an internet connection at my house again! I just can't get anything done that I need to!

All the bunnies are doing well. I still have several for sale. There is a Copper Satin Angora buck and doe and a Chestnut Satin doe that are all litter mates that need new homes. Their mom is a BEAUTIFUL Copper and dad is a Chocolate Agouti. I also have a pretty Chocolate Chin French Buck, a French Chestnut Agouti doe, several blacks, whites and a Blue or two! These are all from different litters. I have a couple stunning Blue Eyed White French Angoras ready along with several Vienna Marks that will make nice pairs for someone to start with. :)

Convention plans are coming along nicely. I am starting to set aside several Satin Angoras and a couple of extremely nice French. I hope to have some NICE Blue Eyed White French to compete with at Convention. I know not everyone wants to work with the BEW's but I think they are so stunning that they are worth the extra effort to develop. :)
Well back to work for me.......Till later

Monday, June 30, 2008

postheadericon Finally Rain

My garden was needing rain very badly. The corn was in pretty bad shape. It finally rained Saturday and Sunday!! Yippeeee. It has not rained in weeks and I am afraid to run the water for fear of the well going dry. We are still way in the minus side of the rain fall needed for the year and our ground water is way down!
The blueberries are slowly getting ripe and I am trying to stay ahead of the apples getting rise, but slowly loosing the battle I think!

I had a beautiful litter of Satin Angoras born over the weekend. They are another of the crosses I am doing with the BEW French. For the life of me I can not get use to babies being born from these crossed litters with no Vienna marks on them!!  This litter is lilacs, blues and probably lynx's and so on and not one has that trade mark cute white blaze!!  They will be Blue Eyed White carriers though and will give me another bloodline to cross back with. My first of the BEW Satin crosses are just about ready to start breeding. They should start giving my BEW Satin's this next go around. Keep your fingers crosses! :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

postheadericon Temporary Glitch

I had a little disagreement with my ISP yesterday WildBlue and fired them. I am without internet at my house until August so I may be a little slow posting here and answering emails. :) It is really a funny feeling being without something you have come to depend on! I will survive though, and maybe I will get a lot more done around the house!
I had a new litter of Satin Hybrids born yesterday. There are all kinds of different colors in there! It is really strange having Blue Eyed White crosses and they not be Vienna Marked! They are all solid colors.
Above is a picture of 2 Golden Steel French Angoras. The beautiful solid buck is spoken for but the Vienna Marked Doe is available. She is the one with the white nose. :) She will carry the Vienna (Blue Eyed White) gene. Just look at that precious face!! You just want to squeeze her!!! LOL The mom is a stunning golden steel doe and dad is Sinclair my BEW french buck. (see below) Sinclair has been clipped in this picture so please overlook that. He is a beautiful boy when he has his show coat!

Friday, June 20, 2008

postheadericon Abundant Harvest

When we got out place here in North Georgia 14 or so years ago, I wanted to be able to go out in the yard and graze during the summer. There were almost no trees in the back yard and seeing as I really don't like to mow grass all the time it was perfect for me to plant everything! I planted 15 or so apple trees, 8 plumb trees, grape vines, cherry bushes, pear trees, mulberry trees, raspberry bushes, a dozen or so blueberry bushes, and so on. Now that we had such a nice spring we have tons of things getting ripe! The cherry bushes were the first to produce and now the mulberry trees are just loaded! I have 1 white mulberry and several black ones. They are so fat and big this year! The plumbs are slowly getting eaten as they get ripe and I am waiting on the blueberries! I have a big yellow delicious apple that the poor thing just looks pitiful it is so loaded down! I put up 14 quarts of applesauce over the weekend and didn't make a dent in them! That's a LOT of work!

The bunnies have been bountiful this spring also, The Blue Eyed Whites are just beautiful! I will have several available for new homes now. Above is a picture of a couple of Fallon's babies. I also have a couple of french bew/satin hybrids available that are Vienna marked. They would do nicely in a BEW satin breeding program or as nice woolers.

I am slowly picking out bunnies that will be put into my Convention choices for this Fall. I have some exquisite REW Satins coming along. So far I have 2 doe's and 1 buck that are really outstanding! I have a Red Satin Angora baby buck that has NO smut on him at all and has a body that won't quite!!! He is only about 5 weeks old right now so should be a nice junior for Convention. >:)  I have several nice Satins available now if you are looking for some nice ones. If you are interested please email me at .

Monday, June 16, 2008

postheadericon Busy Weekend

We went to the Atlanta Farmers Marked this weekend and got a few things to put up for the winter. I put up tomato's, bell peppers and sweet corn. Geesh what a work out! It has been so dry here lately that the garden in not growing very fast. I don't dare water much because the well may go dry.

Primas babies are growing very well! They are looking very promising right now and should make great additions to the BEW's.

I lost Fallon my BEW doe from DiAnn Boehm when her babies were just 3 weeks old. :( I managed to keep them going by rotating different mothers that had litters and they have all pulled through with flying colors! So far all are fat and sassy! I believe there are 7 so I will have a couple more Blue Eyed White babies available for news homes. They were born 5-9-08 so they will be available in a couple of weeks. Even though they are weened now I want to keep an eye on them for awhile more just to be safe. So far no dropped ears even with this horrible heat!! Speaking of is time for me to post my mister article again come to think of it!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

postheadericon It's Been A Couple Days

It has been a couple of days since I posted here. I have been trying to get rid of ants out of my rabbit barn. I HATE ANTS!!! They are a real pain! I have lost litters of babies to them before so I am always looking for ways to kill them. I cut down all the bamboo around the barn because they were using it to get by all the poison I put on the ground. Grrrrrrrrrr

They are still getting in so I looked upward. I cut down all the branches that touched the roof and low and behold they have a nice comfy nest on the roof!! There is a very thick layer, about 6 inches, of pine straw the whole top of the barn. I have spent a good part of the day scraping it off so they have nowhere to stay now!!!!!  YIPPEE !!

The babies above are just about ready to fine new homes. They are French is a Chocolate Pearl (OM's Suzuki) and dad is a Black (Gay's Black Magic). There is a sable in there and the rest are blacks. Email me if you want more info. They have Gay's (me), Elm Grove, Bev's Buns, Outback Menagerie, Somerhills,  and Vahalla lines behind them. :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

postheadericon Visit My Shopping Cart

I have been working on my Shopping Cart today. I have put up lots of Angora wool for sale so if you are looking for any very nice spinning wool go take a look!
There is also some extremely nice Kid Mohair yarn that is available. I will have some Angora Rabbit yarn soon available.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

postheadericon Life Is Good Today

I have been cleaning out the barn today and fixing up pens. After many years they need a little work on them :) I have been putting rabbit poop on the garden and it is coming along nicely! There are baby squash the size of my thumb on some of the plants! Yippee. I hope to do a lot of canning this season, and will give making pickles a try also. If anyone has a good recipe let me know. I may even try pickling green tomato's this year. There are several of the tiny tomato plants coming on. Hopefully we will have plenty of vegie's and meat to last awhile.

Above is the first picture of Prima's babies. She was bred to Sinclair my big Blue Eyed White buck so they should be nice sized. I will keep the Blue girl and place the others. They will be great woolers as Prima gave me 8.3 oz. of wool this clipping! That is a lot of wool for a French Angora!

I went out yesterday to feed the bunnies and found a new pet hanging out! I looked down and there was a strange stick laying by the door. Normally I would not think much of it but it is getting that time of year again..... It was a pretty, 4' long King Snake. He was half under the door of the old chicken pen. I had a pan laying beside where he was, grabbed that and pinned his head down. To my surprise he didn't struggle or try to get away. I reached down and gently picked him up behind his head. I went walking to the house and called for my daughter. She came out and said "Oh BOY"!  She has small pens to keep lizards and critters and got one of those. We took him up on the mountain a few miles away and turned him loose in the woods. I don't mind King Snakes around just not in my rabbit barn! He was hunting mice I am sure. :)
Thursday, May 15, 2008

postheadericon More Pretty Satin Angoras

This is a pretty up coming litter. Mom is a Himi and dad is a Red. There is tort, a red, a copper, a blue and a black in the picture. There are a couple more in the litter. These guys are about 3 weeks old now. I have not checked the plumbing so I don't know how many boys & girls there are yet. :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

postheadericon Coming Along

Just weaned this is a pretty Vienna Marked French Doe ready for a new home. Her mom is CDA's Zinger and dad is EH's Sinclair. She shows a lot of promise in wool and size! Poppa is over 9 pounds so she should be a big girl. If you are interested in her please email me at

The garden is up and doing very well. The corn popped through the ground a couple of days ago and made it through the storm nicely! If you are planting a garden for you don't forget to plant a little for the bunnies also. :)  They love cucumbers in the heat of the sumer. Cucumbers are very cooling to them and when it gets hot anything cooling is good!!!

All my litters are doing well. I have some VERY pretty Satin Angoras and also some very stunning French progressing. Prima's litter is about 3 weeks old now and there is 1 chestnut, 2 blacks, and a blue. I will be posting their pictures tomorrow. :)
More later....

Thursday, May 08, 2008

postheadericon A Great Day

I finally got my garden in all the way. I planted the last of the tomato plants and squash. I gave my tiller quite a work out the past few days! The beans and peas are popping up along with lots of corn! Looks like I will be doing a lot of canning this year!

I got my horses feet trimmed too. Geesh I am getting way to old to do that! He is such a sweetie and just stands there for me to trim him up. My back is not in any shape to work that hard!

I got a good start on " The Comprehensive Angora Color Guide " today also. I have tons of pictures to add to it. I am putting pictures and descriptions Of Angoras from the nest box to adult. There will also be a section on sexing your babies and so on. I will be offering it in .pdf format as a download on my website for $9.95. I am also excepting sponsor advertising to be added in the sponsor section. If you are interested in advertising email me at

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

postheadericon Broken Satin Angoras Almost Ready

These Broken Red Satin Angoras will be ready for new homes in 2-3 weeks. They were born on 4-3-08. Mom is a very pretty red and dad is a beautiful Broken Red I got from Sue Duncan in Tn. His name is RC's Double Take.

RC's Double Take is some of the last of Cheryl Buck's line from years ago. He will carry on Cheryl's line for many years. As you can see in these pictures he produces fantastic Reds! The babies also have great personalities and their wool should be top notch! If you would like to reserve one or you would like more pictures you can email me  

I will be going to the ARBC Convention this year so babies can be delivered there for pick up.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

postheadericon Very Unusual

I was looking over one of my Satin / BEW French litters and noticed one of the blue babies has 1 white ear and 1 blue ear! Too cute!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

postheadericon BABIES !!!

Last night I went out to feed the bunnies and got a big wake up call! Prima the French doe with the 3 BIS's, Grand Champion now, and lots of legs had a pile of wool in the corner of her cage. OPPS! I knew she was getting close to her due date but I didn't realize how close! I fixed her up a nest box and put it in her cage. Within 5 minutes she was delivering babies!!! Boy you talk about a close call! She is a great mom and just licked them for what seemed forever! I wanted to see what she had in there, BUT she wouldn't quite licking on them! I got a quick peek before I came back in the house. I am glad I asked on the Blue Eyed White Angora list what I would get breeding rew to bew. Normally rew to rew is always ruby eyed white...... just about 100% of the time. That is the only genetics rule I have never broken  except when I had a satin doe that was a broken but looked all white. From what I could tell almost all the babies were colored! I bred her to one of my Blue Eyed White bucks - Sinclair. Prima is a BIG girl, and Sinclair is a big boy so these babies should be big! I will check them later today to see what colors I have. :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

postheadericon The Newest Blue Eyed Whites

I finally got a chance to take a few pictures. Here are a couple of the latest Blue Eyed White babies. They are sooooo cute. There are 2 does and 1 buck that are BEW and an Opal and a couple of Blues that are Vienna marked. Mom is CDA's Zinger  and dad is EH's Sinclair. This litter is about 3 weeks old now and out of the nestbox. They should be very nice and big as poppa is over 9 pounds now and under a year old!

I have several BEW French / Satin crosses to work with now, and all of them have tremendous shine! I am thinking I will have BEW shiny Satin babies by Fall. I have to wait a couple of months for the earliest of the crosses to reach breeding age. Keep your fingers crosses!
Saturday, April 12, 2008

postheadericon Update on babies.....

I have not sent a post for several days and I apologize. I have been very busy with my sign business - Custom Signs & Designs. Business picked up really fast, and those of you who have your own business know you have to get the work while it is there!

I have had so many litters the past few days I am just amazed. Most of the does have done an excellent job making nests and putting babies where they belong. I will take some pictures the first part of the week and post them for you to see. A pretty red satin doe bred to a broken red buck had 10 babies! All are doing great with no problems so far. A blue French Angora doe bred to Gay's Epic (the son of Prima) had 3 - 2 lilac or blue and a black.

The Blue Eyed White babies are doing well. I have 2 does and 1 buck along with Vienna marked litter mates in Chestnut, Blue and Opal. Their eyes are open and they are out of the nest box now! I will take some pictures of them also.
More later...............

Friday, March 28, 2008

postheadericon On The Way

These are 2 babies from the BEW French, Tort Satin litter. The picture was taken a couple of weeks ago and I am just now getting it posted, sorry. Life gets in the way sometimes.....    They are really looking nice with so much shine being exhibited! Their personalities are to die for and bodies are rock solid! I believe they will go a long way to improve the Satin Angoras as well as incorporating the Blue Eyed White Vienna gene in. I will post how many bucks and does there are in the litter. I think there are 9 or so in the litter and mom is way ready to be away from them!!!  :)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

postheadericon Cute !

Monday, March 17, 2008

postheadericon Vienna Marked French Babies Doing Great!

I am happy to report the litter of Vienna Marked French babies are doing great! These babies are able to produce Blue Eyed Whites when bred with a BEW or another Vienna Marked bunny. They are sooooo cute!! This litter will be 100% French angora BUT due to their VM faces they will not be showable. Their are bucks and doe's in here so if you are interested in any of these babies let me know. They are about 3 weeks old now and will be ready to go soon. The mom is a black silver steel and dad is a Blue Eyed White.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

postheadericon Still Can Not Believe It!!!

I attended the Dalton Georgia Triple Show and the Double Angora Specialty Show this past weekend. I guess you could say I still can not believe what happened! I took 5 or so French Angoras and Several Satin Angoras to show for all 5 shows. We had several new breeders come this year and we met others who want to start showing. I think that is fantastic! We need more interest in all breeds of Angora.

As usual everyone wound up getting some award for their hard efforts approaching the show. We always have such a good time talking and trading breeding stock at Dalton. Being it is 5 shows in 2 days you are able to Grand Champion a rabbit if you hit the right rabbit at the right time. I guess I did just that with one of my Ruby Eyed White French Angora doe Prima. She was like the Energizer bunny.....on and on and on!! She got Best Of Breed in the first show and went on to take BOB the other 2 shows! I couldn't believe it! The next day for the 2 Angora Specialty shows she also got Best Of Breed and went on for Best In Show !!!!! I was really speechless by now and to put the icing in the cake both judges that gave her Best In Show said she should be the example for the French Angora in the ARBA Standard Of Perfection! I am honored to have such a beautiful bunny!

I don't usually express to everyone my wins as I think it a little, well tacky to brag about how well you do all the time, BUT I will make an exception to my rule here. Prime got 5 Best Of Breeds and 2 Best in Shows this past weekend to add to the other wins last year of 3 Best Of Breeds, and 1 Best In Show !!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

postheadericon Update On The Blue Eyed French Litter

We are really blooming now! They all have strong personalities and LOVE to be petted. You would not believe how hard it is to get of picture of these guys!! It is like trying to stop a jumping bean.

There are 2 doe's still available for new homes. I will be keeping one of the blues and one will be available along with the black one. They will have one Beveron ancestor still on the pedigree. The Beveron Rabbit breed is a large white rabbit that carries the Blue Eyed White gene. They are a very old breed of rabbit. From what I see in these Angoras that have come from the Beverons they have picked up a very good density to their coats and grow in VERY quickly after being clipped. This is something in all Angoras that can be improved upon.

postheadericon On The Way To Blue Eyed Satins

To Cute! This is the first Satin Angora and Blue Eyed French litter. Mom is a pretty Chocolate Tort and dad is a hefty BEW French Angora buck. These guys are about a week and a half old now and trying to come out of the nest box. I am really amazed at how some of them shine!

These will be the first ones on the way to Blue Eyed White Satins. As I understand the genetics of the Vienna Gene even though none of these babies appear to show any spots they will he carrying the Vienna gene.

When they get a little older I will be able to see their eyes better. There are a couple of chestnuts, a couple of blacks and several blues.

More later......
Monday, February 11, 2008

postheadericon AHHHHHHH! We are growing!

They are getting soooooo cute! These are pictures I took today of some of the BEW litter. Have you ever tried to take a picture of a jumping bean?? Well that is how these little fellows were! I would turn them to get a good picture and by the time I focused to take it they had ran across the table and all I saw was behind!! LOL That always happens!!! I have promises on these 2 bunnies but there are 2 other doe's available, a blue Vienna Marked and a black Vienna Marked if you are looking for a sweet bunny.

This is Cindy. She is an OUTSTANDING French Angora Doe that was born on 12-9-07. She is available now for a new home. Her color is Chestnut Agouti and she has a sister "Ginger" that is available also that is a little darker Chestnut Agouti. Her sweet and loving personality will make her a great pet or she would be an excellent show bunny. Her mom is Black Silver Steel and dad is a Chestnut Agouti also. She is available now. I will be going to the Dalton, Ga. show on March 1 & 2, so if you are close you could pick her up then! She is $75.00.

This is Judy. She is a Black Silver Steel French Angora Doe that is now available. Judy is about 1 1/2 years old and would make a great spinning bunny. Her coat is coming back in from being plucked and will be ready to be harvested again soon. She is a little short on her weight to make a show bunny so she will just be a pet and wooler.
She is $45.00 and is ready for a new home.

If you are interested in any of these bunnies please email me at